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COVID-19, Flu and Other Vaccines

COVID-19, FLU, shingles and pneumovac vaccinations are all available at the RCC. 

Many types of vaccinations and injections are available at the Regina Community Clinic. To book an appointment please call the Nursing Department 306-543-7880 Option 6.

Vaccinations funded by Public Health - no fee or prescription is required:

  • Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis)
  • Td 
  • Pneumovax 23 
  • Flu (Influenza) Vaccine 
  • Moderna Bivalent 
  •  *Mantoux Test (2 Steps)                                                                                    *non-clinic patients must pay for Mantoux   Step1 $40    Step 2 $60

Vaccinations requiring prescriptions from a medical provider (patients must fill prescriptions at the pharmacy and bring medication to the injection appointment): 

  • Prevenar 20
  • Hepatitis Vaccines (Havrix, Twinrix, Engerix-B)
  • Depo-Provera
  • Testosterone Injection
  • Vitamin B12

More About the COVID-19 Vaccination 

.COVID -19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV2 Virus. People who fall sick with C-19 can either become mildly ill and show no signs of illnessor they may become severely ill with the disease.

Some people will recover without any medical help and some people will need to be cared for in the hospital. Some may never recover and die.

The virus is spread by an infected person who can spread the disease by talking, coughing, singing or sneezing. COVID can be spread also by touching a surface or object covered by droplets of the virusand then touching one’s nose, eyes or mouth.

COVID is more dangerous than the yearly flu. In Canada, the flu kills approximately
3,000 to 3,500 people every year. Over a period of six months, COVID has killed nearly four times that many people, approximately 12,000.

To book a COVID -19 vaccination at the Regina community Clinic you must schedule an appointment with the Nursing Department by phoning 306-543-7880  Option #4.

More Info on Saskatchewan Health Authority Vaccine Clinics

Pregnant and breast-feeding persons PROTECT YOURSELF

  • The possibility of the spread of new variants remains highly probable.

  • COVID vaccines are safe for women/persons who are pregnant. Boosters are safe too.

  • COVID vaccines have gone through strict trials to make certain they are safe.

  • Vaccines do not contain live coronavirus nor ingredients that are harmful to babies or their mothers.

  • You cannot get COVID through the vaccine / booster.

  • Pregnant and Breastfeeding women who receive the vaccine can be passed on to the baby.

  • Vaccines’ efficacy wane over time. By receiving the booster you are increasing your own immunity and that of the fetus.


More About the Influenza (Flu) Vaccination 

Who should be vaccinated against influenza? 

•     cancer and other immune compromising conditions

•     diabetes

•     heart disease

•     lung disease

•     anemia

•     obesity

•     kidney disease        

•     neurological o neurodevelopmental conditions

•     children up to 18 years of age undergoing treatment for long periods with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)

•     people 65 years and older

•     people who live in nursing homes or other long-termcare facilities

•     children under 5 years of age

•     people who are pregnant

•     people who experience barriers in accessing healthcare 

•     people who are at an increased risk of diseas because of living conditions,such as overcrowding

 The flu shot is effective:

The effectiveness of the vaccine varies from season to season. 

It depends on:

• how well the vaccine matches with the circulating flu viruses

• the health and age of the person getting the flu shot

The viruses circulating in the population can sometimes change during the time it takes to produce a vaccine. When this happens during the flu season, the flu shot may not work as well as expected.

If you do get the flu, the flu shot may reduce the severity of flu related complications.

Getting your flu shot is still the most effective way to protect yourself against the flu and flu-related complications.

Common Side Effects can include:

Symptoms at the injection site, such as: 

• redness   • soreness   • swelling

More general symptoms, such as:

• chills   • fatigue   • joint pain   • headache

• mild fever   • muscle aches

Children may also be more fussy than usual.

If you or someone in your care experiences any unusual symptoms after vaccination, call your health care provider or the public health office.


 You need a flu shot every year

A new flu vaccine is created every year to protect you during fluseason. It’s important that you get a new flu shot every yearbecause:

•     the type of flu virus usually changes from year to year

•     effectiveness of the flu shot can wear off, so you need a new one every year to stay protecte

The flu shot is safe

•     you cannot get the flu from the flu shot

•     most people have no side effects from the flu shot

•     severe reactions are very rare

People who can pass on the flu virus to those at high risk:

•     caregivers

•     child care providers

•     health care providers

•     family and other household members

•     those who provide services in closed or relatively closed settings to people at high risk, such asworkers in longterm care facilities or  crew on a ship



                                                  Funding for the development of these materials has been provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada.                                                                                                     The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada. 











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